Logement entier à Rue Marie Sautet 1, Metz

Logement entier

Proposé par : Flatio
1 Chambre · Baignoire

Détails de la maison

  • Internet
  • Wifi
  • Lave-vaiselle
  • Four

Détails de la chambre

  • Lit simple

Règles de la maison

  • Fumer est autorisé

La description

You will stay in an apartment offering an exceptional view of Metz Cathedral, ideally located in the heart of the city center. The Au Fil du Temps apartment is the perfect place to admire the illuminations of the Cathedral, benefiting from a central location, just 5 minutes walk from the main squares of Metz and around twenty minutes walk from Metz Train Station as well as tourist and commercial attractions.

Nestled in Rue Taison, an iconic and quiet cobbled street with the Graoully statue, symbol of the city, this apartment offers a unique experience. During your stay, you can choose between free parking approximately 20 minutes' walk away or two secure, underground car parks just 4 minutes' walk away, namely "Parking Cathédrale" or "Parking Saint-Jacques". Paid parking options are also available just minutes away.

The accommodation, entirely private, offers a warm and unique decoration, perfect for tourists, couples or professional travelers. With a fully equipped kitchen, a bright living room open to the kitchen, and a bathroom with a walk-in shower, the apartment has been recently renovated to ensure optimal comfort.

The apartment's unique decor includes designer sketches, an authentic typewriter, a roulette table made by the owner, and even a lamp made from a First World War shell. Beds are made upon arrival with hotel quality linen provided by Rock in Share.

Physical entry into the premises can be done from 4 p.m., and departure is planned no later than 11 a.m. on the day of departure. Arrival is self-guided, facilitated by a house guide emailed after booking confirmation, providing all necessary information such as access to the apartment, key box code, etc.

The Rock in Share team remains available for any questions, and looks forward to welcoming you warmly to one of their accommodations.



Séjour min: 5 jours
Séjour max: Pas de séjour maximum
Indisponible JanvierIndisponible FévrierIndisponible MarsIndisponible AvrilDisponible depuis: undefined MaiIndisponible JuinDisponible JuilletDisponible AoûtIndisponible SeptembreDisponible OctobreDisponible NovembreDisponible Décembre
Disponible JanvierDisponible FévrierDisponible MarsDisponible AvrilDisponible MaiDisponible JuinDisponible JuilletDisponible AoûtDisponible SeptembreDisponible OctobreDisponible NovembreDisponible Décembre
1 943 € /mois
1 943 €/mois
ArrivéeChoisir une date
DépartChoisir une date
Prix à titre indicatif, vous n'aurez rien à payer.
Premier mois de loyer1 943 €
Proposé par: Flatio
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Rue Marie Sautet 1, metz, null
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