Remember that in this Belgian city, French is the official language, so if one of your goals in the exchange is to learn that language, the ideal thing would be for one of your roommates to be Belgian or French, so you can practice the language even more on a day-to-day basis.
Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a flat in Mons
If you are still not convinced if a shared flat is ideal accommodation for you, reading the following characteristics will give you a clearer idea:
Advantages of sharing a flat in Mons
You can find rooms in shared flats, in student residences and Kots. The latter are small buildings or typical houses in which students live and share common areas.
You can choose flats with a convenient location for you, depending on where the campus of the university you are going to go to is located. Some neighbourhoods preferred by young people are the city centre, the northern and southern areas of the city and Saint-Symphorien.
Disadvantages of sharing a flat in Mons
Sometimes the cost of services (internet, water, electricity, cleaning, etc.) is not included in the price of the ad, but in the description, they determine the extra amount that you have to add to the month
Most of the places available in student residences are for young Belgians, so it is often difficult to find a room in them.
Erasmus App for your exchange programme in Mons
Try to take advantage of the different Apps for Erasmus+ that you have at your disposal, accessing all the relevant information that you will find, both on the procedures that you have to do and on life in Mons. You will also be able to access advice from students from previous years, as you should have at least a basic notion of French before arriving in the city, so it is easier for you to improve the language once there.
How to meet people in Mons
The following are some of the ways you have to meet people in the Belgian city:
Student associations in Mons
The ESN Mons is the preferred association for international students to meet people. Here you can meet other students while participating in many activities and events organized by the association.
Facebook groups for Erasmus in Mons
You will find several groups on this platform, most of them divided according to the academic year, so it will be easy for you to meet people who are going to be in the city at the same time as you. They are generally created by ESN Mons.
Whatsapp groups for Erasmus in Mons
Both ESN Mons and students on their own usually create WhatsApp or Telegram groups to be able to connect more easily. Take the opportunity to look for students who want to make plans that you propose, such as having a few beers in the Grand Place, visiting one of the city's museums or even going to Brussels for the day.
Tips for living in a shared student apartment in Mons
We give you some tips to keep in mind when sharing a flat with other young people:
If you will be in this Belgian city during Christmas, take the opportunity to go with your flatmates and friends to the Christmas fairs that are installed in different squares of the city, the most important being the Grand Place.
Try to have roommates of different nationalities, and much better if one of them is Belgian, as this way you will be able to practice the language much more and fully immerse yourself in the culture.
Frequently asked questions about sharing a flat in Mons
How much does a shared flat in Mons cost?
The average cost of a spare room in a shared apartment is usually around €390 per month, although the price can usually be between €330 and €560 per month.
Where to look for shared flats in Mons?
We recommend that you do it in Erasmus Play, where you have two options to share a flat: looking for rooms in already inhabited flats or searching for flats with several rooms and choose who is going to live with you.
How to meet people in Mons?
One of the best ways you have is to join the ESN Mons, the association for students, where you can meet international young people while participating in different activities. You can also be part of the Facebook and WhatsApp groups that you find.
What are the advantages of sharing a flat in Mons?
In addition to saving on the cost of the rent to be able to travel more and enjoy more activities, you will have numerous options to choose from, so you can choose the most convenient. Also, living with roommates will make you enjoy the experience much more.
What should I take into account when entering a flat share in Mons?
You have to know that the rooms can be part of private shared flats, student residences or Kots. In addition, you may have to add an extra to the amount that appears in the ad to cover the cost of the services, since in some cases it is not included in the price.