Private rooms Oslo | 61 | 946/month |
Apartments Oslo | 45 | 1524/month |
Are you deciding the destination for your Erasmus? Why should you do your Erasmus in Oslo? If you enjoy nature, looking at amazing landscapes and, of course, partying, then Norway is the perfect country for you. If you are interested in this country but don’t know what city to choose, what a better option than its capital: Oslo. You will find here all the information you need so your experience in Oslo is the best it can be.
The standard of living in Norway is one of the highest in Europe. Therefore, it is not strange that the prices in the cities of the country tend to be much higher than in other countries. You will see this especially on the rental prices and when you go buy your groceries. We recommend you to be aware of your expenses and use your money wisely.
Regarding accommodation, just like in most cities, students can stay in rooms in shared apartments or dormitories. This depends on your preferences, however, you should take into account that, depending on the type of accommodation you choose, your budget will be higher or lower.
Besides, as this city is not excessively big, maybe you don’t use public transport too often. But you should know that you can get around the city by metro, bus or even taking a boat.
In case you are wondering if there is an ambience for parties in Oslo, we can assure you that there is. This city is full of students, both local and international, so student parties are assured. Just like in most cities you have the option to go to some bar and have a drink or to a club to party. However, most Erasmus students go to the parties organized in dormitories and student apartments more often since going out and having a drink somewhere else each day of the week can be too expensive.
The good thing about doing your Erasmus in a country like Norway is that, apart from going out, you can also do other plans like hiking, sledging in winter, skiing or, if you dare, swimming in a fjord. If you want to live new and incredible experiences, we highly recommend the city of Oslo.
People in Norway are known for their kindness and compromise with society and the environment. If you would like to interact with locals try to be as polite as them and surely you will make many friends. The best way to get to know the culture of this city is to be part of the most important events and festivities in Oslo such as, for example, Constitution Day, celebrated on the 17th of May. Besides, some of the places you can’t miss in this city are buildings like the Kon Tiki Museum which preserves Viking ships, the Vigeland Museum of modern art, or the Norwegian Opera, one of the most emblematic buildings in the city.
Norway’s gastronomy is known for having many dishes that have fish as the main ingredient, especially salmon. Some typical dishes of this cuisine are rakfisk, fårikål, lefse, whale meat, or such typical desserts as krumkake or waffles.
Doing your Erasmus in the capital of Norway will allow you to enjoy its breathtaking landscapes every single day. You can go out and party any time you feel like it. Besides, meeting new people will not be a problem. Even though prices in this city are quite expensive, you will for sure find amazing plans to do with your friends. You are going to try very traditional recipes from the Nordic countries and discover how kind locals are. If you enjoy nature and sports, you will love Oslo.
If you are looking for accommodation in Oslo and don’t know how to find it, we are here to help you out! On Erasmus Play, you can safely find the best flats, rooms and apartments for students in Oslo. Easily and quickly compare different accommodations, locations and prices before deciding on one.
The standard of living in Oslo is one of the highest in Europe. A student can live in this city with a budget of around € 800-900 per month. This amount can vary depending on your rental price or leisure activities.
Most of the population of this city are young people and students, therefore, it is not strange that the student atmosphere in Oslo is very lively all year round.
A room in a shared apartment can cost, approximately, € 600-700 per month. Some factors such as the location or the type of accommodation can make this amount vary.
The amount that each student receives to go to Oslo with the Erasmus scholarship depends on his or her country of origin. To know the specific information for your case, we recommend you contact the international relations office at your university of origin. You can ask them all your doubts and they will help you without any problems.
Some students prefer to live in more centric places such as the Tøyen district, whereas others prefer to be closer to the University of Oslo and even some students want to live in more remote areas. As you can see, the location of your accommodation depends on your priorities and preferences. It is best if you compare several options before choosing one.