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Flatshare in Ourense


Private room

Room at Ourense

Shared apartments, spare rooms and roommates in Ourense

This Galician city is usually quiet, but the student atmosphere is quite lively and fun. The University of Vigo welcomes international students to its Ourense campus every year, so you will be able to meet other young people from different parts of the world who are in the same situation as you. Furthermore, these young people can be your roommates if you choose to live in a shared flat, making your exchange even more fun. You will surely have a great time with your Erasmus family!

Available accommodationTotalAverage price
Private room Ourense1€500
Residence Ourense0
Studio Ourense0
Entire place Ourense0
*Last update:

Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a flat in Ourense

Here are some of the most relevant aspects of living in shared flats in this Galician city:

Advantages of sharing a flat in Ourense

  • If one of your roommates is local, you will surely share the experience with a friendly, welcoming and open person. Galicians are often very close.
  • Take advantage of the extra in your budget to explore Ourense and its surroundings to the fullest, as well as the rest of Galicia which includes Vigo, Santiago de Compostela and the Cíes Islands.

Disadvantages of sharing a flat in Ourense

  • It can be challenging to find accommodation with a reasonable price and good characteristics in Ourense, so we recommend you search as soon as possible.
  • If you prefer to live in a quiet environment, talk to your roommates, since in many apartments frequent meetings and parties are held.

Erasmus App for your exchange programme in Ourense

Many Erasmus+ apps serve as a guide for the entire mobility process for the exchange in Ourense to be the best possible. In these apps, you will find different facilities, including relevant information, advice on living away from home and instructions on procedures that you will have to do. You will also be able to read the experiences of students from previous years, who say that the best thing you can do is look for central accommodation, even if the price is a little higher than in more distant neighbourhoods. That way you will be close to the most popular entertainment venues and the University of Vigo campus.

How to meet people in Ourense

If you are overwhelmed by the idea of ​​arriving alone in a new city where you don't know anyone, don't worry! Here we tell you some of the ways you have to meet people in this Spanish city both before and when you arrive in the city.

Student associations in Ourense

At the University of Vigo, you will have the opportunity to join one of the branches of the Erasmus Student Network, the ESN Vigo. This has representation on the Ourense campus, so with it, you can be part of numerous fun plans in which you will also be able to meet other international students.

Facebook groups for Erasmus in Ourense

Most of the groups on this platform are created by ESN Vigo and are classified according to the academic year. In this way it is much easier for you to get in touch with other young people who are going to be in the city at the same time as you, being able to connect with them even before your arrival.

Whatsapp groups for Erasmus in Ourense

Generally, students with each other, and the ESN, usually create WhatsApp groups in which they can be connected more directly. In these, young people take the opportunity to introduce themselves, give information about themselves and meet other people with similar interests with whom to make different plans.

Tips for living in a shared student apartment in Ourense

We give you some tips to keep in mind when living in shared flats in this Spanish city:

  • The campus of the University of Vigo is in the Urbanization of the University Campus, close to the city ​​centre. If you want to save on transportation costs, we recommend that you look for accommodation in one of these neighbourhoods.
  • If you are in Ourense in October you will be able to experience its version of Halloween, called Samaín. It is a festivity with Celtic origins where summer days are said goodbye and where those who celebrate it dress up in costumes and celebrate through the streets of the city.

Frequently asked questions about sharing a flat in Ourense

How much does a shared flat cost in Ourense?
The price of a spare room in a shared flat starts at €200 and up. However, remember that it always depends on its characteristics and location.
How to find roommates in Ourense?
The best thing to do is to search online communities where you can also easily find accommodation, such as Erasmus Play.
How to meet people in Ourense?
One of the most fun ways is to join ESN Vigo, the association for international students with which you will be able to take part in activities, events and trips with other young people. You also can join WhatsApp and Facebook groups.
What are the advantages of sharing a flat in Ourense?
The most prominent is being able to make your student budget more affordable while being able to spend more money on fun activities. In addition, you will live in a multicultural environment, much more lively than if you live alone.
How to choose ideal roommates in Ourense?
We recommend that all the roommates have different nationalities, so they can learn from other cultures. Of course, the best thing would be for one of them to be Spanish (if you are not), so you can learn much more about the local way of life.

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