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Flatshare in Pécs

Shared apartments, spare rooms and roommates in Pécs

One of the reasons why many students choose to live in Pécs to immerse themselves in Hungarian culture is because the climate of this city is usually milder than in other cities such as Budapest (but don't get your hopes up, in winter it's still quite cold). In addition, it is a university city that welcomes thousands of national and international students every year, because the University of Pécs has several faculties. Thanks to this, normally in shared flats, roommates are often of different nationalities.

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Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a flat in Pécs

In this section, we tell you what are some of the most relevant advantages and disadvantages of living in a shared flat in this Hungarian city:

Advantages of sharing a flat in Pécs

  • You can take advantage of the extra in your budget to explore the city to the fullest. You can also travel to other nearby places, such as Budapest, Croatia, Serbia and some nearby natural areas.
  • Most likely, you will be able to find accommodation in a convenient location, close to the entertainment venues and the faculty of the University of Pécs that you will be attending. Remember that the most chosen neighbourhoods m by students are generally the centre of Pécs, Szigeti Külváros, Rókusdomb and Budaiváros.

Disadvantages of sharing a flat in Pécs

  • Winter in this city can have minimum temperatures below freezing, so you should check the heating system and agree on its use with your flatmates.
  • It can be difficult to adhere to house rules, so it's a good idea to have ground rules in place from the start.

Erasmus App for your exchange in Pécs

There are several apps for Erasmus+ that you will be able to use so that the exchange in this Hungarian city is the best possible. In these apps, you can find everything from information about the procedures you have to do to advice from students on exchange in previous years. For example, one of the recommendations given by young people is that if you want to try local food at affordable prices, you should buy it in the neighbourhood markets, called “Vásárcsarnok” in Hungarian.

How to meet people in Pécs?

Does the idea of ​​arriving in this unknown city and feeling alone overwhelm you a bit? Don't worry! There are various ways you can meet people in Pécs. In fact, you can connect with other young people who will be there at the same time as you before you arrive. We advise you about some of the ways you have to meet people:

Student associations in Pécs

At the University of Pécs, you will have the opportunity to join the ESN Pécs, a volunteer student association that organizes many events and activities throughout the year so that international youth can immerse themselves in local life and integrate into the city.

Facebook groups for Erasmus in Pécs

In this case, we also recommend that you join the ESN Pécs group, called “Erasmus Student Network Pécs - ESN Pécs”. In this group, you will be able to ask any questions you have about the exchange and receive help, in addition to finding out about the different activities that are planned week by week.

WhatsApp groups for Erasmus in Pécs

You will find WhatsApp and Telegram groups to join, created both by the students themselves and by the associations. In them, you can take the opportunity to introduce yourself and propose the plans you want to do in the city, be it exploring the centre and its monuments, enjoying the hot springs or going to a bar.

Tips for sharing a student flat in Pécs

We give you some tips to keep in mind when living in a shared flat in this Hungarian city:

  • During your stay in the city, you can surely go to one of the festivals that take place in Pécs together with your flatmates, such as the Pécs Days, the Summer Festival and the Pécs Culture Week.
  • If one of your flatmates is Hungarian and you feel like it, try to learn some local language! It is indeed very difficult, but it can be fun to learn at least some expressions. Of course, do not worry because the language in which international students usually communicate is English.

Frequently asked questions about sharing a flat in Pécs

How much does a spare room in a shared flat cost in Pécs?

In general, the cost of a spare room in a private flat or a student residence is around €130 per month, although it may be higher or lower depending on its characteristics.

How to find roommates in Pécs?

We put at your disposal Erasmus Play, the online community in which you will be able to find flatmates and the ideal accommodation for you in a simple and fast way.

How to meet people in Pécs?

One of the best ways to meet other international students in this city is by joining the ESN Pécs association. Of course, remember that you can also join different groups on Facebook, Whatsapp and Telegram.

Share a flat or live alone in Pécs?

We believe that the best thing you can do is share a flat. This will not only make the experience much more fun on a day-to-day basis, but you will also be able to invest more of your budget in trips and activities to enrich your exchange.

What to ask before entering a flat share in Pécs?

Ask what the rules of the apartment are and with whom you are going to share the space, so you can find out what their nationalities are and what customs they have.

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