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Flatshare in Cádiz


Entire place

Apartment at Calle Barrocal 5


Entire place

Apartment at Calle Compañía, Candelaria


Private room

Room at Plaza San Agustín


Entire place

Apartment at Calle Libertad 9



Studio at Av. Cayetano del Toro


Entire place

Apartment at Cjón. Circo


Private room

Room at Calle San Jose


Entire place

Apartment at Calle Solano


Private room

Room at Cadiz


Private room

Room at Calle Plus Ultra, Puerta Tierra


Private room

Room at C. Sopranis


Private room

Room at Calle Solano


Private room

Room at C. Merced


Private room

Room at Calle Sacramento


Private room

Room at C. Sopranis,


Entire place

Apartment at C. Sopranis


Entire place

Apartment at C. Torre


Private room

Room at P.º Marítimo


Private room

Room at C. Rosario


Entire place

Apartment at Calle Compañía, Candelaria

Shared apartments, spare rooms and roommates in Cádiz

The relaxed atmosphere of this Andalusian city usually attracts the attention of many students who choose to live in it for a season to enjoy its climate, its beaches, its people, its leisure and its gastronomy.

Available accommodationTotalAverage price
Private room Cádiz33€490
Residence Cádiz0
Studio Cádiz7€857
Entire place Cádiz29€1855
*Last update:

If you live in a shared flat in Cádiz you will have the opportunity not only to live in a multicultural environment with students from other countries and cultures but, if any of your flatmates are from Cádiz, you can also take the opportunity to delve deeply into the local culture.

Advantages and disadvantages of sharing a flat in Cádiz

These are some of the pros and cons of living in a shared flat in the city of Cadiz:

Advantages of sharing a flat in Cádiz

  • You will be able to choose between shared flats in different areas of Cádiz that are usually full of students, such as Cádiz Centro, La Laguna, Residencia or Barrio de la Viña.

  • If you are lucky enough and one of your roommates is local, you will be able to share with a person who is surely friendly and who likes to make it easy for those from outside to integrate into the city.

Disadvantages of sharing a flat in Cádiz

  • Cádiz is usually a crowded city and sharing a flat means that you will probably never be alone unless you are in your room.

  • Coexistence is not easy, especially in a multicultural environment, but setting rules from the beginning will make everything easier.

Erasmus App for your exchange programme in Cádiz

Thanks to the Apps for Erasmus+ you will be able to organize your exchange in Cádiz the best way possible, being able to access relevant information and advice from other young people. For example, many students insist that you taste as much local cuisine as possible, including fried fish, potato omelette, shrimp omelette, mojama and mackerel with piriñaca.

How to meet people in Cádiz

Take the opportunity to establish close relationships with your flatmates, with whom you surely spend a lot of time in Cádiz. You can also meet people in the following ways:

Student associations in Cádiz

By joining the ESN Cádiz you will be able to meet people while doing a wide variety of activities organized by the association, which include some such as gymkhanas, affordable trips ( to Bologna, Granada, among others), theme parties and events of different sports such as volleyball, soccer and surfing.

Facebook groups for Erasmus in Cádiz

Most of the Facebook groups that you can join are organized according to the academic cycle, so you have to choose the one that includes the period in which you are going to go. There are several groups created by ESN Cádiz, where you can also see the different activities and events organized.

Whatsapp groups for Erasmus in Cádiz

Both from the Facebook groups and from the University of Cádiz, WhatsApp groups are created every year so that the students of that course are in more direct contact. Likewise, ESN Cádiz has a Discord that you can join to keep up to date with everything that happens and chat with other students.

Tips for living in a shared apartment in Cádiz

We give you some tips for you to consider when living in shared flats in Cádiz:

  • Keep in mind that the cost of a spare room in a student residence is usually higher than that of a room in a private shared flat.

  • If you have the opportunity to experience the Cadiz Carnival while you are in the city, don't miss it! You will be able to enjoy a wide variety of events, live music, parades and lots of fun and laughter.

Frequently asked questions about sharing a flat in Cádiz

How much does a shared flat cost in Cádiz?
The average for a spare room in a shared apartment in a residence is around €500 and for a room in a private shared apartment around €350 per month.
Where to look for shared flats in Cádiz?
The best thing you can do is search on Erasmus Play, the accommodation site where you can see both spare rooms in shared flats and full apartments for rent. In the latter, you can move in with someone you already know or look for your roommates when you are there.
How to meet people in Cadiz?
In addition to sharing with your flatmates, take the opportunity to join the ESN Cádiz, the Erasmus association with which you will be able to carry out different fun plans. You can also join Facebook, Discord and Whatsapp groups so you are in more direct contact with other young people.
Share a flat or live alone in Cádiz?
We recommend that you share a flat to have a fun experience while saving on your monthly rent and utility bills.
How to choose ideal roommates in Cádiz?
The ideal situation would be for all your roommates to have compatible habits or lifestyles. Moreover, you have to set rules, especially about visits, parties, gatherings and cleaning. In this way, many problems that are usually generated in coexistence can be avoided.


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