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Student Housing in Malmö

SEK 10,925/month

Entire place

Apartment at Brobygatan, Norra Sofielund

SEK 10,350/month

Entire place

Apartment at Dalslandsgatan, Södra Sofielund


Private room

Room at Hålsjögatan,

SEK 9,200/month

Entire place

Apartment at Gudmundsgatan 24

SEK 12,650/month

Entire place

Apartment at Nobelvägen 70A U1

SEK 4,500/month

Private room

Room at Hantverkaregatan,

SEK 5,500/month

Private room

Room at Hantverkaregatan,

SEK 13,685/month

Entire place

Apartment at Falsterbogatan, Möllevången

SEK 11,270/month

Entire place

Apartment at Musketörgatan 4B

SEK 14,595/month


Studio at Tåtplatsen 2

SEK 12,075/month

Entire place

Apartment at Amiralsgatan 47

SEK 12,650/month

Entire place

Apartment at Sveagatan, Väster

SEK 24,150/month

Entire place

Apartment at Föreningsgatan, Rörsjöstaden

SEK 8,556/month

Private room

Room at Vitemöllegatan 1C

SEK 5,899/month

Shared room

Room at Malmö

SEK 17,250/month

Entire place

Apartment at Maltesholmsgatan 33

SEK 28,750/month

Entire place

Apartment at Vasagatan 26

SEK 7,406/month

Entire place

Apartment at Vitemöllegatan, Annelund

SEK 17,250/month

Entire place

Apartment at Dockgatan 11

SEK 12,420/month

Entire place

Apartment at Munkhättegatan 36

Student accommodation, flats and rooms for rent in Malmö

This city is located on the southern coast of Sweden and is known for being at the eastern end of the Öresund bridge that connects Malmö and Copenhagen (Denmark). Malmö is a quiet city, but not boring for that. Thanks to its size, it has a variety of things to do and places to visit, such as parks and museums. You will also be able to go out to various discos and bars at night with your friends.

Available accommodationTotalAverage price
Private room Malmo7€642
Residence Malmo1€1300
Studio Malmo1€1300
Entire place Malmo34€1276
*Last update:

One of the advantages of studying in Malmö is that you can enter the Swedish education system, recognized in the world for its high quality.

Are you looking for student accommodation in Malmö? Most students from previous years say that finding accommodation is a complicated task. For this reason, we recommend that you start your search as soon as possible and that you use the Erasmus Play comparator. In it you will be able to see the different rooms, flats and residences available in Malmö, coming from a multitude of online platforms and websites specialized in accommodation.

Student apartments for rent in Malmö

If you want to rent a flat for students in Malmö, you have to bear in mind that you will find two different modalities: apartments with several rooms to share between several students and smaller studio apartments with capacity For one or two people. Most students usually choose the first option as it allows the cost of rent and bills to be divided among all the students who live there.

The minimum price of a studio flat is normally € 900 per month and one with more rooms to share usually starts at € 950 per month onwards.

Student rooms for rent in Malmö

Are you looking for a student room in Malmö? This alternative is usually one of the preferred by international young people who move to this Swedish city, it is the cheapest way to live in Malmö as a student. From the Erasmus Play search engine, you can compare all the available rooms in Malmö, analyzing the characteristics of each room, the images, the location, the furniture it includes, etc.

As a reference, the cost of renting a room in a shared flat usually goes from € 480 onwards and can amount to approximately € 900.

Student accommodation in Malmö

In this Swedish city, you will find a variety of suitable neighborhoods that you can consider to live as a student. Here we inform you on which are some of the favorites by international young people every year:

Apartments for rent in Gamla staden

Gamla Staden is the historic center of the city, where many of the places of interest to visit are located. There is also a very good atmosphere here with its bars, restaurants, shops and parks. Many of the university's faculties are located in this neighborhood of Malmö.

Apartments in Rönneholm

This neighborhood is located to the southwest of the city center, which you can reach in about 30 minutes on foot. It is small but has a wide variety of affordable places for students, such as shops, restaurants and bars. It also has a park where you can go in your spare time.

Rooms for Rent in Ellstorp

Ellstorp is located east of Gamla Staden. From this neighborhood, you will be able to reach the center of Malmö in just over 20 minutes on foot, so if you choose to live in, you will be close to the entertainment venues most frequented by international youth.

Erasmus accommodation near Malmö Högskola (MAH)

This prestigious institution has several buildings in the city where its faculties are distributed. Some of them are:

  • Niagara: Here are some faculties such as the Faculty of Culture and Society, the School of Art and Communication, the Department of Urban Studies, among others. It is in the historic center of Malmö.
  • Orkanen: The Faculty of Education and Society classes are taught in this building. It is also located in the city center.
  • Gäddan: Here you are part of the Faculty of Health and Society, as well as the Department of Social Work. It is very close to the buildings named above.
  • Odontologen: As its name indicates, the Faculty of Dentistry is located there. The building is located in the Rådmansvången neighborhood, south of the city center.
  • Health and Society: Classes in some of the branches of the Faculty of Health and Society are taught in this building, such as Biomedical Sciences and Care Sciences. It is located in the Allmänna sjukhuset neighborhood.
  • Forskaren: This is also part of the Department of Biomedical Sciences of the Faculty of Health and Society. It is in the Södertorp district, south of the city.

University residence in Malmö

There are several student residences available in Malmö where you will be able to apply for a place. If this is your preferred alternative, remember to pay attention to the characteristics of each of the residences to be able to compare between them and choose the ideal one for you. Some may have, for example, access to the garden, leisure rooms, study rooms and even bicycles for students.

Frequently Asked Questions about studying in Malmö

How much does a student room cost in Malmö?

Generally, the cost of a room in an apartment shared between several students in Malmö usually ranges from € 480 to € 900 per month.

How to find a cheap student flat for rent in Malmö?

In the Erasmus Play search engine, you will be able to compare all the verified apartment options available, from various companies and online platforms. You will be able to do it quickly and easily, filtering by the features that you like the most. You will surely find your ideal apartment!

How much is the Erasmus scholarship to study in Malmö?

This depends on your country of origin, since each one has different regulations in this regard and assign a specific amount according to the destination and the faculty you are going to go to.

What is the approximate monthly expense for a student in Malmö?

The cost of living in Malmö is usually high, as in the rest of Sweden. Calculate that your budget has to be based on a minimum rent of € 480. Keep in mind that many of the students choose to cycle around the city to save on public transport.

Why go on Erasmus to Malmö?

In this Swedish city you will be able to experience the culture of the country from within, knowing its traditions, people and gastronomy. You will also have the experience of studying in its educational system, recognized throughout the world. Here you will be able to learn both Swedish and English, since it is the language in which students usually speak to each other.


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