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Student accommodation near the Polytechnic University of Valencia


Private room

Room at Carrer Guillem Escrivà


Private room

Room at Av. d'Ausiàs March, 35, 46013 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at Carrer Honorato Juan, Arrancapins


Private room

Room at Carrer de Just Vilar, 46011 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at C/ del Pintor Vilar


Private room

Room at C/ de Cartagena


Private room

Room at Carrer de Vicent Brull, Cabanyal-Canyamelar


Private room

Room at Carrer Joan Baptista Coratjà, Patraix


Private room

Room at Carrer de Bilbao, 26, 46009 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at C/ de Pintor Stolz, 34, L'Olivereta, 46018 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at Plaça Honduras, Ciutat Jardí


Private room

Room at Pl. del Dramaturg Faust Hernández Casajuana


Private room

Room at Avinguda del Cardenal Benlloch


Private room

Room at Carrer de Castelló, 46004 Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at Carrer de Dénia


Private room

Room at Carrer de l'Almirall Cadarso, 46005 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at Carrer de Just Vilar, 46011 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at Avinguda de la Malva-Rosa, 64, 2o pta 7, 46011 Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at Avinguda de Pérez Galdós, 122, 46008 València, Valencia, Spain


Private room

Room at C/ de Sant Joan de Déu, 1, 46011 València, Valencia, Spain

Flats, rooms and residences near the UPV

The Polytechnic University of Valencia receives numerous international students every year. In fact, between the years 2018-2019, it was the sixth university in the number of international students welcomed from Europe! It is that, in addition to the prestige of the UPV, Valencia is an ideal city to go on Erasmus: it has good gastronomy, ideal climate and an unbeatable student atmosphere. In this article, we tell you everything you need to know to easily find student accommodation near the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Available accommodationTotalAverage price
Private room Valencia6991€412
Residence Valencia28€846
Studio Valencia358€1113
Entire place Valencia1606€1732
*Last update:

Flats and rooms for students near the UPV

This prestigious institution has three campuses in the Valencian Community, so to look for accommodation nearby you have to pay attention to which one you are going to. We tell you details of the different campuses and neighbourhoods among the ones that you can choose from.

Where is the Polytechnic University of Valencia located?

The following are the various campuses of this institution:

Campus of Vera

This is the main campus of the UPV, and it is located in the Camí de Vera neighbourhood, to the north of the centre of Valencia. In this large complex, you will find all the facilities of this institution, so you should live close to it if you want to take advantage of it to play sports, for example.

Campus of Alcoy - Higher Polytechnic School of Alcoy

The campus is located south of the city centre, in the beautiful old factory buildings. Here you will find all the facilities of the UPV in Alcoy, including classrooms, the library, the laboratories and the sports areas.

Campus of Gandía - Higher Polytechnic School of Gandía

The campus of Gandía is located in the beach area of ​​the city, where there is usually a good atmosphere throughout the year. Here you can study the subjects of six different degrees and 4 university master's degrees, and it is one of the main campuses that receive Erasmus students from the Valencian Community.

Best neighbourhoods to live in near the UPV?

We recommend that you consider these neighbourhoods to live near the campus of the institution you are going to:

Algiros (Valencia)

The Vera Campus of the UPV is located in this neighbourhood, so it is ideal if you want to live close to it. There is also a campus of the University of Valencia here, so the area is full of bars, restaurants and other affordable places for students.

Benimaclet (Valencia)

From this area, you will arrive in approximately 15 minutes to the Campus of Vera. It is one of the neighbourhoods preferred by young people to live in because it has affordable prices for accommodation, entertainment and restaurants for students. In addition, this neighbourhood is very well-connected to the rest of the city by metro and tram.

The centre of Alcoy and the neighbourhood of Santa Rosa

These are the two most convenient areas to live as a student in Alcoy since they are close to the UPV campus. In addition, in them, you will find most of the bars and restaurants that young people usually go to, as well as the best-known places of cultural interest.

El Grau and Platja de Gandía

El Grau is where the campus is located in this city, closer to the beach than to the city centre. For its part, in the Beach of Gandía area, there are usually more accommodation alternatives, as well as affordable options for bars and restaurants.

Student residences near the UPV

Both in Valencia, Alcoy and Gandía you have the option of staying in a residence for students or a hall residence. The most common thing is that the buildings are close to the UPV facilities, so surely you will have no problem finding a residence with a good location, close to the campus you are attending. Indeed, the institution does not have its residences or halls of residence, so they are private.

Erasmus at the Polytechnic University of Valencia

Keep these details in mind when doing your mobility at the UPV:

  • You will have the opportunity to taste Spanish gastronomy and, above all, you have to try the Valencian paella! Also, take the opportunity to try the fresh fish and shellfish that you will find in this area of ​​Spain.
  • In this institution, you will be able to enjoy facilities for many sports, including climbing, mountaineering, yoga, swimming, capoeira, beach volleyball, and fencing, among others. This way, you will also be able to meet students with the same interests as you.
  • In the three cities where the campuses are located, you will be able to move on foot or by bicycle, although they also have a good connection to public transportation. In the case of Gandía, the UPV offers a free card to use the buses!

FAQ about the Polytechnic University of Valencia

What courses can you study at the Polytechnic University of Valencia?

The degrees that you can study at the UPV are divided into four main branches: Arts and Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences, Sciences and Engineering, and Architecture. In turn, the latter is divided into five specialisations: Construction, Health Sciences and Technology, Agrifood and Forestry, Industrial and Aeronautics, and Information and Communication Technologies.

What are the best neighbourhoods to live near the UPV?

If you are going to the Vera Campus in the city of Valencia, the most convenient nearby neighbourhoods are Benimaclet and Algirós. Instead, if you are going to the Alcoy Campus, you can consider the centre of Alcoy and Santa Rosa. On the other hand, for the Gandía Campus, you should look for accommodation in the Beach of Gandía and Grau area.

How much does student accommodation cost near the UPV?

In Valencia, in the neighbourhoods of Algirós and Benimaclet, you can find spare rooms that start at €320 per month and up. In Gandía and Alcoy the cost of a room in a shared apartment is usually €450 per month.

What are the best Apps for Erasmus students at the UPV?

Erasmus Play is one of the Apps that you have to download. In it, you will be able to rent the ideal apartment for you, access student tips and connect with other young people who are going to be at the UPV at the same time as you.

How is student life at the Polytechnic University of Valencia?

This institution is among the ones that welcome the most international students in Spain, so it has an unbeatable student atmosphere. In addition, here you will have the opportunity to practise many sports, as well as be part of student associations, such as ESN Valencia UPV.