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Information and advice for Erasmus students in Madrid

Erasmus in Madrid

Information and advice for Erasmus students in Madrid

Private rooms Madrid 16316 627/month
Residences Madrid 224 1063/month
Studios Madrid 1265 1355/month
Apartments Madrid 7078 2231/month

The Erasmus program is one of the best experiences that a student has in their university stage, and that is why a good choice of destination is key to its development. According to studies, the favourite place for young people to study abroad is Spain, specifically Madrid. 

Why do the Erasmus in Madrid? The answer is easy, Madrid has everything a student could ask for: good weather, prestigious universities, nice people, numerous leisure activities and one of the best gastronomies in the world. In addition, its good location in the centre of the Iberian Peninsula allows you to travel with great ease throughout Spain and in this way you can take advantage of to know all the corners of the country. 

For all these reasons and more that we will explain in detail below, we can say that Madrid is one of the best cities to carry out your Erasmus program.

Cost of living in Madrid, Spain

Being the Spanish capital, the cost of living in Madrid is higher than in other cities in Spain, but all this will depend on several factors. 

First of all, the accommodation you choose. A differential factor in this aspect will be the area where your accommodation is located and the type of accommodation you choose. The cheapest and most recommended for Erasmus students is to share a flat. In this way you will pay only for your room, the expenses of the apartment are shared.

Second, the monthly expenses you have. The way you administer and manage your expenses will be very important. You have to think that between accommodation, food and transport you are going to spend about 900 euros a month, so from there, it will depend on you, what you want to increase your cost of living in Madrid.

The most important advice you can receive in this regard is to spend wisely, otherwise you could find yourself in trouble. Here, you could find all the important information about the accommodation in Madrid.

Erasmus parties and leisure in Madrid, Spain 

One of the things an Erasmus student looks for when arriving in his destination city is to find numerous leisure and nightlife. You will soon realize that this is something that Madrid can boast of.

The Spanish capital has numerous bars and restaurants throughout its streets where you can try the famous tapas and, in general, all the Spanish gastronomy. In addition, Madrid is also known for its nightlife, throughout every city there are a lot of nightclubs and pubs with many types of music that makes it possible to suit all tastes.

Culture and gastronomy in Madrid 

Gastronomy is one of the great attractions of the Community of Madrid, as it has a large number of traditional dishes, which you can enjoy anywhere in the city: cocido madrileño, callos a la madrileña, squid sandwiches, garlic soup... all of them accompanied by a "caña" (beer), in the style of the Spanish capital.

In addition, culture is very important, as Madrid has a great cultural offer represented by museums, galleries, theatres, temporary exhibitions, national and international festivals, concerts and much more.

Advantages of doing Erasmus in Madrid 

As we have been explaining throughout this post, Madrid is the city par excellence to carry out the Erasmus program. And this city is all advantages for any young person between 20-25 years of age: good weather, excellent connection with the rest of Spain and the world in general, great culture and gastronomy, prestigious universities, nice people, leisure numerous and of quality, and above all a lot of university life.

All this makes Madrid one of the best cities for students who go abroad to study.

Cheap Erasmus accommodation in Madrid

Are you looking for accommodation in Madrid? Not sure where to look for verified accommodations? In Erasmus Play you can compare the best flats, rooms and apartments for students in Madrid

Frequently asked questions from students doing Erasmus in Madrid

How much does it cost to live in Madrid as a student?

The cost of living in Madrid for a student is usually around 800-1000€ per month between accommodation, food and transport. It will depend on how each one manages it.

How is student life in Madrid?

Without a doubt, student life in Madrid can be said to be very active. There are many universities, as well as many bars and clubs where you can go with friends.

How much does a student accommodation cost in Madrid?

It will depend a lot on the area where the accommodation is located. A room in the centre of Madrid can cost around 400-600€, while in the suburbs it will be cheaper.

How much is the Erasmus scholarship to study in Madrid?

The Erasmus scholarship to study in Madrid will depend on the country of origin, since in each part of the world there are different rules in this regard.